

个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍


2025.01-至今,山东大学微生物改造技术全国重点实验室 教授

2022.07-2024.12,山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室 副研究员

2018.07-2022.06,山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室 博士后






1.山东省自然科学基金-优秀青年项目(ZR2024YQ047)2025-2027 在研

2.山东省泰山学者青年专家项目(tsqn202408046)2025-2027 在研

3.山东大学齐鲁青年学者2025-2029 在研

4.国家自然科学基金面上项目(32372615),2024-2027 在研

5.国家重点研发项目子课题(2023YFA0914301)2024-2028 在研

6.山东大学青年学者未来计划 2023-2024 结题





1.Jiangkun#,Pang Xinxin#, Li Weixun#,XuXiaoning, Yang Yan, Shang Chengbin, Gao Xiang*.Interbacterial warfarein the human gut: insights from Bacteroidales' perspective.Gut Microbes, 2025.(第一,一区,IF:12.3)

2.Tong M#, Xu J#, Li W#,Jiang Kun#, Yang Y, Chen Z, Jiao X, Meng X, Wang M, Hong J, Long H, Liu SJ, Lim B, Gao Xiang*. A highly conserved SusCD transporter determines the import and species-specific antagonism of Bacteroides ubiquitin homologues.Nature Communications,2024.(共一第四,一区,IF:16.1)

3.Jiang, Kun*, and Xiang Gao*. “Current advances on Vip3 highlight the promising potential of bacterial insecticidal proteins.”Trends in microbiology,2024.(通讯,一区,IF:17

4.Jiang Kun#, Li, W.#, Tong, M.#, Xu, J.#, Chen, Z.#, Yang, Y., Zang, Y., Jiao, X., Liu, C., Lim, B., Jiang, X., Wang, J., Wu, D., Wang, M., Liu, S. J., Shao, F., & Gao, Xiang*. Bacteroides fragilis ubiquitin homologue drives intraspecies bacterial competition in the gut microbiome.Nature microbiology, 2024.(第一,一区,IF:21 )

5.Chen Zhe, Shi Yiting, Wang Dongdong, Liu Xiaoyu, Jiao Xuyao, Gao Xiang*,Jiang Kun*. Structural insight into Bacillus thuringiensis Sip1Ab reveals its similarity to ETX_MTX2 family beta-pore-forming toxin.Pest Manag Sci. 2023.通讯,一区

6.Kun Jiang#,*, Zhe Chen#, Yiting Shi, Yuanrong Zang, Chengbin Shang, Xi Huang, Jiahe Zang, Zhudong Bai, Xuyao Jiao, Jun Cai, Xiang Gao*.A strategy to enhance the insecticidal potency of Vip3Aa byintroducing additional cleavage sites toincrease its proteolytic activation efficiency.Engineering Microbiology, 2023.(通讯

7.Jiang Kun#, Chen Zhe#, Zang Yuanrong, Shi Yiting, Shang Chengbin, Jiao Xuyao, Cai Jun, Gao Xiang*.Functional characterization of Vip3Aa from Bacillus thuringiensis reveals thecontributions of specific domains to its insecticidal activity.Journal of Biological Chemistry,2023.(第一,二区

8.Lian Huan#,JiangKun#, Tong Ming#, Chen Zhe, Liu Xiaoyu, Jorge E. Galán*, Gao Xiang*. TheSalmonellaeffector protein SopD targets Rab8 to positively and negatively modulate the inflammatory response.Nature Microbiology, 2021.(共一,一区,IF:21

9.Jiang Kun#, Zhang Yan#, Chen Zhe#, Wu Dalei, Cai Jun, Gao Xiang*. Structural andfunctionalinsights into the C-terminal fragment of insecticidal Vip3A toxin ofBacillus thuringiensis.Toxins,2020.(第一,二区

10.Jiang Kun, Hou Xiaoyue, Tan Tongtong, Cao Zhanglei, Mei Siqi, Yan Bing, Chang Jin, Han Lu, Zhao Dan, Cai Jun*. Scavenger receptor-C acts as a receptor forBacillus thuringiensisvegetative insecticidal protein Vip3Aa and mediates the internalization of Vip3Aa via endocytosis.PLoS Pathogens, 2018.(第一,一区

11.Jiang Kun#, Hou Xiaoyue#, Han Lu, Tan Tongtong, Cao Zhanglei, Cai Jun*.Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor, a Novel Receptor for Vegetative InsecticidalProtein Vip3Aa.Toxins, 2018.(第一,二区

12.Jiang Kun, Mei Si qi, Wang Ting ting, Pan Jin hua, Chen Yue hua, Cai Jun*. Vip3Aa induces apoptosis in cultured Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells,Toxicon, 2016.(第一,四区

13.Jiang Kun#, Li Li na#, Pan Jin hua, Wang Ting ting, Chen Yue hua, Cai Jun*. YvoA and CcpA repress the expression of chiB in Bacillus thuringiensis,Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2015.(第一,二区








7.第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛二等奖-指导教师 (2023)

8.山东大学青年学者未来计划 (2022)