副教授 & 副研究员


个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍





起止时间 单位名称 职务

2024.03-至今, 山东大学 微生物技术国家重点实验室专聘副研究员

2019.06-2024.03, 山东大学 微生物技术国家重点实验室 科研助理

2013.07-2019.05, 山东大学 生命科学学院 博士后





1.国家自然科学基金青年项目(32400022), 2025.01-2027.12,主持


3.山东省自然科学杰出青年基金(ZR2022JQ11),2023.01-2025.12,参与(排名第二),项目负责人 王海龙

4.国家自然科学基金重点项目(31430060),2015.01-2019.12,参与(排名第三),已结题,项目负责人 夏光敏

5.国家自然科学基金青年项目(31700073),2018.01−2020.12,参与(排名第二),已结题,项目负责人 王海龙


1. Ji Luan#, Chaoyi Song, Yan Liu, Ruoting He, Ruofei Guo, Qingwen Cui, Chanjuan Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Kexin Hao, A Francis Stewart, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang, Hailong Wang*; Seamless site-directed mutagenesis in complex cloned DNA sequences using the RedEx method.Nature Protocols, 2024,已在线发表.(独立一作,5年IF=17.4,生化研究方法1区Top期刊)

2. Guangle Yu#, Qiuyue Duan, Tianqi Cui, Chanjuan Jiang, Xiaochen Li, Yutong Li, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang, Hailong Wang*,Ji Luan*; Development of a bacterial gene transcription activating strategy based on transcriptional activator positive feedback.Journal of Advanced Research, 2023, Dec 18:S2090-1232(23)00400-9.(末位并列通讯,5年IF=11.0,综合性期刊1区Top期刊)

3. Guangle Yu#, Xiaochen Li, Qiuyue Duan, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang, Hailong Wang andJi Luan*; Systematic identification of endogenous strong constitutive promoters from the diazotrophic rhizosphere bacteriumPseudomonas stutzeriDSM4166 to improve its nitrogenase activity.Microbial Cell Factories, 2023, 22(1): 91.(独立通讯,5年IF=5.5,生物工程与应用微生物1区)

4.Ji Luan#, Jianfang Ju, Xiaochen Li, Xiuling Wang, Yufei Tan, Guangmin Xia*; Functional identification of moss PpGATA1 provides insights into the evolution of LLM-domain B-GATA transcription factors in plants.Gene, 2023, 855:147103.(独立一作,5年IF=2.7,遗传学3区)

5. Chaoyi Song#,Ji Luan#, Ruijuan Li, Chanjuan Jiang, Yu Hou, Qingwen Cui, Tianqi Cui, Long Tan, Zaichao Ma, Ya-Jie Tang, A. Francis Stewart, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang, Hailong Wang*; RedEx: a method for seamless DNA insertion and deletion in large multimodular polyketide synthase gene clusters.Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, 48(22): e130.(并列一作,5年IF=16.1,生化与分子生物学1区Top期刊)

6. Chaoyi Song#,Ji Luan#, Qingwen Cui, Qiuyue Duan, Zhen Li, Yunsheng Gao, Ruijuan Li, Aiying Li, Yuemao Shen, Yuezhong Li, A. Francis Stewart, Youming Zhang*, Jun Fu*, Hailong Wang*; Enhanced heterologous spinosad production from a 79-kb synthetic multi-operon assembly.ACS Synthetic Biology, 2019, 8(1): 137-147.(并列一作,5年IF=4.2,生化研究方法1区)

7. Ji Luan#, Zhen Li#, Hailong Wang*, Youming Zhang, Jun Fu;In vitroassay revealed mismatches between guide RNA and target DNA can enhance Cas9 nuclease activity.Current Chinese Science, 2020, 1(1), 69-72.(并列一作)

8. 李雨桐#,崔天琦,张海林,于广乐,栾霁*,王海龙*;肿瘤靶向细菌Escherichia coliNissle 1917在癌症治疗中的研究进展.中国生物工程杂志China Biotechnology, 2023, 43(6): 54-68.(并列通讯,中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊、中国科学引文数据库核心期刊)

9. Ji Luan#, Tianran Liu, Weiqi Luo, Wen Liu, Minqi Peng, Wenjia Li, Xiaojun Dai, Manzhong Liang, Liangbi Chen*; Mitochondrial DNA genetic polymorphism in thirteen rice cytoplasmic male sterile lines.Plant Cell Reports, 2013, 32(4), 545-554.(独立一作,5年IF=5.3,植物科学2区)

10. Xiaochen Li#, Ruofei Guo,Ji Luan, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang and Hailong Wang*; Improving spinosad production by tuning expressions of the forosamine methyltransferase and the forosaminyl transferase to reduce undesired less active byproducts in the heterologous hostStreptomyces albusJ1074.Microbial Cell Factories, 2023, 22:15.(5年IF=5.5,生物工程与应用微生物1区)

11. Chanjuan Jiang#, Haibo Zhou, Hongluan Sun, Ruoting He, Chaoyi Song, Tianqi Cui,Ji Luan, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang, Nianzhi Jiao, Hailong Wang*; Establishing an efficient salinomycin biosynthetic pathway in three heterologousStreptomyceshosts by constructing a 106-kb multioperon artificial gene cluster.Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 2021, 118(12):4668-4677.(5年IF=4.0,生物工程与应用微生物2区)

12. Xiaojun Dai#, Gongping Kang, Zixin Wang,Ji Luan, Zhen Wang, Manzhong Liang, Liangbi Chen*; Cytoplasmic effects on the agronomic and physiological traits of dual-purpose genic male sterile substitution lines of Rice.Crop Science, 2017, 57.(5年IF=2.3,农艺学2区)


1.王海龙,宋超逸,栾霁,符军,张友明.一种大型基因簇的无痕定点改造方法及其应用,中国发明专利,授权号: ZL202010147911.2

2.陈良碧,梁满中,戴小军,栾霁.检测线粒体DNA鉴定三系不育水稻细胞质类型的方法,中国发明专利,授权号: ZL201210034541.7