2024.01-2026.12 (3S)-乙偶姻与(2S,3S)-2,3-丁二醇非天然合成途径构建和高效生产研究 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 主持
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2018.09-2020.09 H2S调节铜绿假单胞菌中LasR生物学功能的机理研究 中国博士后基金面上资助 主持
2023.02-2026.01“碳酸酐酶与羧化酶联合固碳” 国家重点研发计划 子课题负责人
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2.Lü, C.J., Ge, Y.S., Cao, M.H., Guo, X.T., Liu, P.H., Gao, C., Xu, P., Ma, C.Q.*(2020) Metabolicengineering ofBacillus licheniformisforproduction ofacetoin.Front.Bioeng.Biotechnol.8,125
3.Liu,Y.D.,Wang, X.Q., Ma, L.T.,Lü, M., Zhang, W.,Lü,C.J.*,Gao, C., Xu, P., Ma, C.Q.(2021) Dehydrogenation mechanism of three stereoisomers of butane-2,3-diol inPseudomonas putidaKT2440.Front.Bioeng.Biotechnol.9,728767
4.Guo,S.T.,Tan, X.X., Wang, Y.X., Li, K.,Lü,C.J.*,Ma, C.Q., Gao, C.(2021) Enhancedin vitrocascade catalysis of glycerol into pyruvate and acetoin by integration with dihydroxy acid dehydratase fromParalcaligenes ureilyticus.Catalysts11, 1282
5.Li,K., Sun, W.K., Meng, W.S., Yan, J.X., Zhang, Y.P., Guo, S.T.,Lü,C.J.*, Ma, C.Q., Gao, C.(2021) Production of ethylene glycol from glycerol using anin vitroenzymatic cascade.Catalysts11, 214
6.Zhang,Y.P.,Liu, Y.D., Zhu, J.N., Xiao, D., Xu, P.,Ma,C.Q.*, Gao, C.,Lü,C.J.*(2021) Coculture ofGluconobacter oxydansandEscherichia colifor 3,4-dihydroxybutyric acid production from xylose.ACSSustain.Chem.Eng.9, 10809–10817
7.Meng,W.S., Zhang, Y.P., Cao, M.H., Zhang, W.,Lü,C.J.*,Yang, C.Y., Gao, C., Xu, P.,Ma,C.Q.*(2020) Efficient 2,3-butanediol production from whey powder using metabolically engineeredKlebsiella oxytoca.Microb.Cell Fact.19,162
8.Cao,M.H.,Jiang, T.T., Li, P., Zhang, Y.P., Guo, S.T., Meng, W.S.,Lü,C.J.*, Zhang, W., Xu, P., Gao, C.,Ma,C.Q.*(2020) Pyruvate production from whey powder by metabolic engineeredKlebsiella oxytoca.J.Agric.Food Chem.68, 15275–15283
9.Xuan, G.H.#,Lü,C.J.#, Xu, H.W., Li, K., Liu, H.W., Xia,Y.Z., Xun, L.Y.*(2021) Sulfane sulfur regulates LasR-mediated quorum sensing and virulence inPseudomonas aeruginosaPAO1.Antioxidants10, 1498