

个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍


博士2004-2009 山东大学 微生物学

学士2000-2004 山东大学 生物技术



2009-2015 山东大学 讲师

2015-至今 山东大学 教授

2017.12-2018.12 东北大学(美国) 访问学者


1. 未培养微生物。



2. 菌群结构及干预调节。



3. 微生物功能基因组学。





1. 2018-2021, 假交替单胞菌多糖利用能力的分化及其基因组基础,国家自然基金面上项目

2. 2016-2021, 海洋特有细菌属Pseudoalteromonas的进化和适应,山东大学青年学者未来计划

3. 2015-2016, 北极海冰假交替单胞菌属细菌的多样性、系统分类及生态适应的遗传与生理基础,国家自然基金面上项目

4. 2014-2017, 评价嗜高压细菌在南海深部碳循环中的作用,国家自然基金重点项目子课题

5. 2011-2014, 新型海洋弹性蛋白酶的中试研究,863计划子课题

6. 2011-2013, 新型深海弹性蛋白酶Pseudoalterin对弹性蛋白的降解机制和适冷机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目

7. 2010-2013, 新型深海弹性蛋白酶Pseudoalterin的结构和功能研究,山东省中青年科学家科研奖励基金(博士基金)

8. 2011-2013, 一种新型深海弹性蛋白酶的结构和功能研究,高等学校博士学科点专项

9. 2010-2011, 蛋白质分子内相互作用网络的进化的研究,山东省博士后创新项目

10. 2010-2011, 蛋白质共进化的方法学研究及其应用,山东大学自主创新基金

(#co-first author,*corresponding author)

1.Bin-Bin Xie, Meng Li, Karthik Anantharaman, Nikolai V. Ravin*. 2021.Editorial: The Uncultured Microorganisms: Novel Technologies and Applications.Frontiers in Microbiology 12:756287.

2. Yisong Li, Meng Wang, Zhong-Zhi Sun, Bin-Bin Xie*. 2021. Comparative genomic insights into the taxonomic classification, diversity, and secondary metabolic potentials ofKitasatospora, a genus closely related toStreptomyces.Frontiers in Microbiology12:683814.

3.Zhong-Zhi Sun, Bo-Wen Ji, Ning Zheng, Meng Wang, Ye Cao, Lu Wan, Yi-Song Li, Jin-Cheng Rong, Hai-Lun He, Xiu-Lan Chen, Yu-Zhong Zhang, Bin-Bin Xie*. 2021.Phylogeneticdistribution of polysaccharide-degradingenzymes inmarinebacteria.Frontiers in Microbiology12:658620.

4.Yisong Li, Zhong-Zhi Sun, Jin-Cheng Rong, Bin-Bin Xie*. 2021.Comparative genomics reveals broad genetic diversity, extensive recombination and nascent ecological adaptation in Micrococcus luteus.BMC Genomics 22:124.

5.Bin-Bin Xie#, Jin-Cheng Rong#, Bai-Lu Tang#, Sishuo Wang#, Guiming Liu, Qi-Long Qin, Xi-Ying Zhang, Weipeng Zhang, Qunxin She, Yin Chen, Fuchuan Li, Shengying Li, Xiu-Lan Chen, Haiwei Luo*, Yu-Zhong Zhang*. 2021.Evolutionarytrajectory of thereplicationmode ofbacterial replicons.mBio12:e02745-20.

6.Jin-Cheng Rong, Bo-Wen Ji, Ning Zheng, Zhong-Zhi Sun, Yi-Song Li, Bin-Bin Xie*. 2021. Genomic insights into antioxidant activities ofPyruvatibacter mobilis CGMCC 1.15125T, a pyruvate-requiring bacterium isolated from the marine microalgae culture.Marine Genomics 55:100791.

7. Qianfeng Liu, Jiasong Fang*, Jiangtao Li, Li Zhang*, Bin-Bin Xie*, Xiu-Lan Chen, Yu-Zhong Zhang. 2018. Depth-resolved variations of cultivable bacteria and their extracellular enzymes in the water column of the New Britain Trench.Frontiers in Microbiology 9:135.

8. Li, P. Y.#, Zhang, Y.#, Xie, B. B.*, Zhang, Y. Q., Hao, J., Wang, Y., Wang, P., Li, C. Y., Qin, Q. L., Zhang, X. Y., Su, H. N., Shi, M., Zhang, Y. Z., Chen, X. L.* 2017. Structural and mechanistic insights into the improvement of the halotolerance of a marine microbial esterase by increasing intra- and interdomain hydrophobic interactions. Appl Environ Microbiol 83:e01286-17.

9. Su, H. N.#, Wang, Q. M.#, Li, C. Y., Li, K., Luo, W., Chen, B., Zhang, X. Y., Qin, Q. L., Zhou, B. C., Chen, X. L., Zhang, Y. Z., and Xie, B. B.* 2017. Structural insights into the cold adaptation of the photosynthetic pigment-protein C-phycocyanin from an Arctic cyanobacterium. Biochim Biophys Acta 1858:325-335.

10. Chen XL#, Dong S#, Xu F, Dong F, Li PY, Zhang XY, Zhou BC, Zhang YZ, Xie BB*. 2016. Characterization of anewcold-adapted andsalt-activatedpolysaccharidelyasefamily 7alginatelyase from Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM0524. Front Microbiol. 7:1120.

11. Rong JC, Liu M, Li Y, Sun TY, Pang XH, Qin QL, Chen XL, Xie BB*. 2016. Complete genome sequence of a marine bacterium with two chromosomes, Pseudoalteromonas translucida KMM 520(T). Mar Genomics. 26:17-20.

12. Xie BB, Li D, Shi WL, Qin QL, Wang XW, Rong JC, Sun CY, Huang F, Zhang XY, Dong XW, Chen XL, Zhou BC, Zhang YZ*, Song XY*. 2015. Deep RNA sequencing reveals a high frequency of alternative splicing events in the fungus Trichoderma longibrachiatum. BMC Genomics 16:54.

13. Li H#, Zhang XY#, Liu C, Liu A, Qin QL, Su HN, Shi M, Zhou BC, Chen XL, Zhang YZ, Xie BB*. 2015. Bizionia arctica sp. nov., isolated from Arctic fjord seawater, and emended description of the genus Bizionia. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 65:2925-30.

14. Lin CY#, Zhang XY#, Liu A, Liu C, Song XY, Su HN, Qin QL, Xie BB*, Zhang YZ. 2015. Marivirga atlantica sp. nov., isolated from seawater and emended description of the genus Marivirga. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 65:1515-9.

15. Xie, B. B., Q. L. Qin, M. Shi, L. L. Chen, Y. L. Shu, Y. Luo, X. W. Wang, J. C. Rong, Z. T. Gong, D. Li, C. Y. Sun, G. M. Liu, X. W. Dong, X. H. Pang, F. Huang, W. Liu, X. L. Chen, B. C. Zhou, Y. Z. Zhang*, and X. Y. Song*. 2014. Comparative genomics provide insights into evolution of Trichoderma nutrition style. Genome Biol Evol. 6:379-90.

16. Sun, M. L., S. B. Liu, L. P. Qiao, X. L. Chen, X. Pang, M. Shi, X. Y. Zhang, Q. L. Qin, B. C. Zhou, Y. Z. Zhang, and B. B. Xie*. 2014. A novel exopolysaccharide from deep-sea bacterium Zunongwangia profunda SM-A87: low-cost fermentation, moisture retention, and antioxidant activities. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 98:7437-45.

17. Su, H. N., L. Y. Ran, Z. H. Chen, Q. L. Qin, M. Shi, X. Y. Song, X. L. Chen, Y. Z. Zhang, and B. B. Xie*. 2014. The ultrastructure of type I collagen at nanoscale: large or small D-spacing distribution? Nanoscale 6:8134-9.

18. Zhao, H. L., J. Yang, X. L. Chen, H. N. Su, X. Y. Zhang, F. Huang, B. C. Zhou, and B. B. Xie*. 2014. Optimization of fermentation conditions for the production of the M23 protease Pseudoalterin by deep-sea Pseudoalteromonas sp. CF6-2 with artery powder as an inducer. Molecules 19:4779-90.

19. Qin QL, Xie BB*, Yu Y, Shu YL, Rong JC, Zhang YJ, Zhao DL, Chen XL, Zhang XY, Chen B, Zhou BC, Zhang YZ*. 2014. Comparative genomics of the marine bacterial genus Glaciecola reveals the high degree of genomic diversity and genomic characteristic for cold adaptation. Environ Microbiol. 16:1642-53.

20. Li PY, Xie BB*, Zhang XY, Qin QL, Dang HY, Wang XM, Chen XL, Yu J, Zhang YZ*. 2012. Genetic structure of three fosmid-fragments encoding 16S rRNA genes of the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group (MCG): implications for physiology and evolution of marine sedimentary archaea. Environ Microbiol. 14:467-79.

21. Xie, B. B., Y. L. Shu, Q. L. Qin, J. C. Rong, X. Y. Zhang, X. L. Chen, M. Shi, H. L. He, B. C. Zhou, and Y. Z. Zhang*. 2012. Genome sequences of type strains of seven species of the marine bacteriumPseudoalteromonas. J Bacteriol. 194:2746-7.

22. Xie, B. B., Y. L. Shu, Q. L. Qin, J. C. Rong, X. Y. Zhang, X. L. Chen, B. C. Zhou, and Y. Z. Zhang*. 2012. Genome sequence of the cycloprodigiosin-producing bacterial strain Pseudoalteromonas rubra ATCC 29570T. J Bacteriol. 194:1637-8.

23. Bian, F.#, B. B. Xie#, Q. L. Qin, Y. L. Shu, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Yu, B. Chen, X. L. Chen, B. C. Zhou, and Y. Z. Zhang*. 2012. Genome sequences of six Pseudoalteromonas strains isolated from Arctic sea ice. J Bacteriol 194:908-9.

24. Xie BB#, Bian F#, Chen XL, He HL, Guo J, Gao X, Zeng YX, Chen B, Zhou BC, Zhang YZ*. 2009. Cold adaptation of zinc metalloproteases in the thermolysin family from deep sea and arctic sea ice bacteria revealed by catalytic and structural properties and molecular dynamics: new insights into relationship between conformational flexibility and hydrogen bonding. J Biol Chem. 284:9257-69.

25. Xie BB, Chen XL, Zhang XY, He HL, Zhang YZ*, Zhou BC. 2008. Predicting protein interaction interfaces from protein sequences: case studies of subtilisin and phycocyanin. Proteins. 71:1461-74.

